We all went in to work, but got sent home
Quarantine: Just when you think you have it all figured out, something new happens. This time it was a very surprising and unexpected suspension of the start of the term due to Swine flu. First day of work heading in, not suspecting a thing, as is usual at my job, it was all decided last minute. Apparently somene in the newest training group had been infected at to prevent spreading all teaching was suspended and we were all asked to stay at home and report our temperatures twice daily, which we did of course. The kids who came in with that group were kept couped up in coatel, and some even blogged about it. The best part was that this essentially became a 9 day paid vacation, but we would eventually have to make up for it by teaching saturday and sunday...
Taking my temp
...So then there was that completely unrelated trip to Busan ;)
We had some free time to roam a group of us headed down to Busan.
the sand castle festival
and aquarium

A bud from grad school also came into town, was good to see her

After all the hubbub the new term began. So teaching memory all through is more energy consuming than I could have ever imagined. And to make up for all the classes we missed the first term I taught 17 consequtive memory. I almost shot myself by the end if it. I am extremely glad for my 3 day weekends and fun loving coworkers who make it bearable.
On the Nightlife end all is good, In Itaewon every thursday is ladies night, and sometimes after work we head down there...and have a good time
the coworkers and i get down

I also still go to geckos,and once I went back to monkey beach and they drenched us in water. not cool

life is fun times and back to normal... for now

dinner at himalayan - coworkers and I
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