So, a coworker of mine, Shakha, had been talking about getting us all together for a baseball game for a while. I'd been dying to go, but there was always one thing or the other going on. Finally, one day, Shakha let us know he'd be leaving soon so we knew we had to be there. There were rumors that before he left he would run the field. I didn't know whether to believe it or not but I would never forgive myself if I missed it.
So the epic day of my first baseball game dawned bright and early. I can't remember much of what I did earlier. I think I had some african food in itaewon. The game was hanwha eagles vs. lg twins and our section was in the eagles area. Everywhere was flaming orange. Drinks were a-flowing, but unlike american games the prices were not jacked out of control and there were many treats that one cannot find in the states (squid jerky anyone?).

Shakha doling out the drinks
As Shakha and the gang scope out the location for this momentous occasion I tried to remain calm and not think about it. I remember at 1 point having to pee like crazy and lets just say that was a sprint to the bathroom and back fastest time I've ever taken.
Then without warning, he takes off, as they were in the middle of some type of change (hell if I know, I only go to baseball to drink). Anyways he's running across the field and we are all screaming, and he high-fives everyone at each base. Best of all, he has a korean flag strapped to his neck. The guards let him run the entire field for some reason, and then capture him...
Anyways a movie can show you better than I ever can
After the run no one could get in touch with him. He had been well aware of the fact that this could get him deported or arrested or fined, but as it was his last week in Korea, it wasn't that important. Finally, we got the call, he was out...
We left the game without even seeing who won. We all rushed to greet the hero. We headed for dinner. As we tucked in to a delicious bowl of yukgaejang he filled in the gaps.

Dinner afterwards
"They asked me why I did it. I said soju. Then they took me to the station, asked for my id, when I said I didn't have it, amid much laughter they let me go. One or two guys were mad, but oh well".All I have to say is, after that, he is my hero... and to top it all off, he made the local news sports highlights.

For many years to come, a story to tell. These are who I work with. I love it.
p.s. we miss you Shakha - best of luck with everything
That is AWESOME!!! I got invited to come to that game. My friends told me some guy was planning to run onto the field. I wish I had been there now!
It was really cool
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