The Boryeong Mud Festival is a festival that grew out of a need to sell pharmaceautical products made of mud. Well, there is more to it but I will let the web and this video tell you more about it.

Boryeong Mud Festival in South Korea Hosted by Beer Steak Bullshit
This year was the tenth annual mudfestival. There was no way I was missing out on any of the action.
My girl had been planning the group way in advance. There was a group of about 10 of us who would be heading down together. It was all held together by this facebook group led by some girl who claimed she had done this before. In an attempt to not slander her I will only state true facts. It was the most disorganized thing I had ever seen. The night we were supposed to leave, no one knew where we would be staying, what bus to ride etc. She yelled at people as if they were children, and to top it off, we had to sleep on the floor.
Aside from her/the planning though, it was all a lot of fun. First off, I went with an awesome group of people. We opted to take the friday night bus and spend 2 nights at daecheon beach. we finally left at about midnight, stocked up on drinks to last the 2-ish hour drive. On the bus, this crazy aussie (maybe kiwi) started chatting up everyone, kissed our male friend (he too was male) before proceeding to grab a mic and do the worst rendition of wonderwall i have ever heard, after which he sang abother song and returned to wonderwall, which caused me to spit my drink on my buddy. A midtrip reststop garnered us some mandu and finally we arrived.

The next day dawned bright and early. After recovering from the shock of sleeping on the floor and the people who kept the hotel up partying until 6 am. 9 am we were up and ready to find some food.

The next day was sucky, it rained, but all in all I am glad we had an awesome time with a great group of people, and I heard the 2nd weekend was amazing too...
More Pics as a slideshow
oh my sounds like so much fun!! well except the planning lady part. & looked like fun too.
Hmm lol maybe I should get a slideshow. It sure would save people on my blog ha ha
yeah its for when i'm too lazy to put up pics... but your blog is amazing...
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