I am in awe and fear of this bottle of soju in my hands
So at last June is over and July is here. It hasn't really felt like summer, until now. Maybe because i think its still cold here. I decided to suspend my Korean classes until September so I could focus on work and travel. I got my korean teacher a thank you gift. I think she was touched.
This summer the students will be involved in these things called intensives where they get to come in and learn even more English during vacation. Poor Korean Kiddies.. They start at 9.30 am. If you can wake up it means more won for you
Last week and this was also extensions which means the time that Korean middle schoolers get off to take their exams. That meant for loss of money but also evenings off. With that in mind our company threw a hweshik for us. A hweshik in korean culture is a time for company workers to bond, also known as a company dinner, but not like you'd expect in the States. Instead there is lots of drinking and falling over- korean style(My coworker's blog explains better)With no one working on June 30th and money to spare, we headed out for galbi, drinks and noraebang (karaoke to you non-koreans).
For some reason I always seem to not eat on hweshik days. I think it is in anticipation for the all you can eat free-food. But my coworkers are bad and encourage alcoholism. If i didn't know better i'd think they were Korean...

Everything from soju to beer to wine to cocktails, and next thing you know, blackout. At least this go around I did not break glass on my boss, or fall in front of my boss, which I have managed to do at the past two. Not making a very good impression am I? But oh what fun they are and I am sure we will all make fools of ourselves again soon...

3 cheers fir Hweshiks and all the shenanigans they bring

Good times for all
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