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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hero: the Beatles-Loving, Korean Kid-Singing, 3-year old Child Prodigy

So this is pretty old, but I am kind of in love with this kid now. I want him to be my son. It's ok since my secret plan is to adopt a k-baby anyways.

He's famous for singing Hey Jude, which if you don't already know is a world famous Beatles hit. This child prodigy was only 3 years old (at the time of the videos). His name is Ha Yeong Woong. He's also known as Hero

In this first video, he just sings in his diapers.

Upon discovery, he does this second one.

I was surprised at how much I could understand.
He performs, they ask him to introduce himself and he says I am a beetles loving 3 year kid. Then they ask him how come he can sing english songs so well and also if he even knows the beatles. When they ask him how many members there are he says 5 of them, so they ask him to name them, and he names the four and himself.

귀엽다 (korean for cute)

I didn't watch the rest after so more may have happened. Also if there are any native and/or better speakers out there you can correct my general paraphrases for more accurate stuff :)

Want to keep up with him? Become his myspace friend
(just don't admit you still use myspace though)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was so cute! I'm so showing this in my Tera class. Great post!