The Boryeong Mud Festival is a festival that grew out of a need to sell pharmaceautical products made of mud. Well, there is more to it but I will let the web and this video tell you more about it.
Every Thursday night is ladies night in Itaewon. I've heard that there is a ladies night in Hongdae but I don't know when or where (bar names). In itaewon usually we go to bricx first because they are free until midnight and then we go to the Loft.
I am in awe and fear of this bottle of soju in my hands
So at last June is over and July is here. It hasn't really felt like summer, until now. Maybe because i think its still cold here. I decided to suspend my Korean classes until September so I could focus on work and travel. I got my korean teacher a thank you gift. I think she was touched.