In many Asian countries for obvious reasons, Buddhas birthday(석가탄신일) is a big deal celebrated with fireworks and dancing and Lanterns. Even though Korea is one of the most Christian Asian nations, it was still no exception since 63% of the population is Buddhist. The birthday is a national holiday (well except at my school) but on Sunday I got to experience the beauty of the lotus lantern festival.

There was free tea and rice cake for foreigners,

and everywhere was decorated beautiful to show the splendid BEAUTY of Korea. Lanterns as you might imagine, where everywhere. It was a colorful and moving experience and I felt like a celebrity as everyone was so happy to welcome and explain to us what was going on.

After enjoying all the booths sharing Korean culture, and checking out the temple, it had been hours. we grabbed some dinner

and then watched the parade.
Here, someone puts it more beautifully than I ever could, but I had an amazing time and arrived home exhausted but happy I had gone. There were so many lanterns and people happy to share their culture and monks and sweet children and I got approached to be on TV:). Pictures can show better than I can tell, so click
here for even more. enjoy

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