I know I've been really behind on posting. So much has been happening. But the birds are chirping, the flowers are blossoming and so Karamel comes out of hibernation. Cherry Blossoms :)
It's been a long winter and to survive it I've picked up many alarming habits... the most obvious one being ethanol consumption (wait, I always do that). But I started watching tons of TV shows - I got into How I met your mother, 30 rock, Modern Family , and so many more.
Then, when that wasn't enough, I decided to watch British TV shows. It's made me talk funny. I keep adding yeah at the end of sentences, and talk about bits and taking a piss and all that. Blimey! I mean if Skins was any indication then British kids are freakin' mental. I also watched the inbetweeners, and IT crowd. Currently enjoying Peepshow. Still have many more to watch including Misfits, Red Dwarf and Black Adder.
Anyways don't worry, I won't forget to post about all the awesome antics of the beginning of this year, but for now I just wanted to post a few videos of things that helped me survive the winter.
The first one is.... drumroll please... Big Bang is back! The epic comeback. I never knew they were gone. Mostly because GD and TOP, the two I love, have been banging out the hits regardless.
Anyways all of my kids suddenly love them again, which is great except that I have stayed loving them since I got to Korea, and for a period of time it was "ugh, teachuh old, so old". Now it's screaming and antifandom galore (p.s Korea is the only country I know that has dedicated antifans. Don't know what I mean? Google it.)
Anyways here is their new video that I can't stop singing and dancing to
And their awesome parody of a recently ended Korean drama called Secret Garden. They play women so well ;) It's got English subtitles.
Part 1
Part 2
Another staple that kept me sane was The Colbert Report. Don't get me wrong I love Jon Stewart too but Colbert really does his comedy/satire so well. I love it. The past two weeks have been particularly humorous for me.
First, there was his faux-icecream war with Jimmy Fallon
And the even better hallucination in the second part of the show (listen to the song)
Then, there was his ad to stand beside Tim Pawlenty, standing beside Scott Walker to not run for president (or something like that). You've got to watch it to understand.
Anyways, I'll be updating soon enough, starting retrospectively from January, and hopefully some posts on things to come. For example, this weekend = St. Patty's Day. So wear green and come out to the events in Seoul (more on facebook)
Karamel is back!
I love the photo of the Cherry Blossom.
Thanks :)
i didn't know you had a blog! i wish i would have experienced seoul in the spring :)
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