OMG I can't believe it. I not only survived a full year alone in a foreign country, but I decided to stay another. And despite many setbacks, I am happier than I've ever been.
The new year began rather interestingly. We had to work new years eve, and of course new years day as well. So after work we had some samgyeopsal for dinner then we headed to a bar. It was a lot of fun, we rang it in with bottles of Jack, then went to another bar. Let's just say working the next day was not fun.
Saturday I had my first joint celebration with my oppa (Korean for big brother) E. we met in training and I adore him, one of the best people here, but I see him infrequently. He never drinks, and I got him nice and drunk. I am a hero. I had to take care of him but it was worth it.
A few days later was my birthday (and the one year anniversary of my first day of work -yes my first day of work was my birthday, sucks) anyways my boss was nice enough to give me a few days off, for my birthday and because I had to move) so my buddy J brought me a cake and came and took me out to dinner, then I had a few drinks.
On the 7th I moved to a new place in Nowon. It's huge. I love it. And living in Nowon is more convenient as I have 2 lines now instead of 1. I also live below one of my best friends in Seoul. Couldn't ask for much better really. The move in day however was not so smooth. I planned everything in advance, the global center helped me arrange a mover, transfer my bills. I had nothing left to do. Leaving Suraksan was smooth. I had to put down the key money so all the paper work is in my name and I signed and everything, so time to pick up my keys right? wrong. I had to wait and when I finally freaked out and had several people called it turns out my apartment wasn't ready yet, last person moved out, left it filthy and with all their stuff in it. No wonder Koreans distrust foreigners. Anyways after much stress all was resolved, except I that had to sleep in a dirty house. The next day I paid someone to clean it. Now we are back in business.
My friend Steph also took me out to this place called Spice in Itaewon. Delish. It was a fusion asian restaurant, kind of off the beaten trail, head towards helios then turn in the alley before. Because it was opening week we got free appetizers and wine too. Awesome.
Let's see what else, there was a random snow day, which was fun since we had no work, but no fun when we had to make up the classes on Saturday :(
I began taking Taekwondo back in December. I needed something more challenging, and boy is this it. I joined a club called Ari rang Taekwondo/아리랑 태권도 (read more here and on facebook here ). I really like it especially my master. I'll post more when I head up the ranks. I train every Wednesday and Sunday.
I also felt the need to get back into learning/speaking Korean, so I made a post on craigslist for language exchange... boy was I overwhelmed. SO many people want to practice their English. I finally narrowed it down to 2, and I meet them on Wednesday and Sunday. I really like learning outside the classroom too. I learn slang and stuff. But it does make even my days off really busy
I had a late birthday celebration at beer-o-clock. the food was awesome and we decided to complete a shot list challenge to get our names on the wall. I really liked the bar and the area, Sinchon.
In fact the next weekend I went to another bar called Yaletown - great burgers and bottomless fries. Yum. And I finally completed my shot list at Geckos, so two walls of fame = immortality.
So I can stop drinking right? Not so fast. While my new years resolution is to not black out anymore (I will admit I have already failed once but it was exhaustion not # of drinks that caused this at the winter hweshik).
I will still more than likely have escapades that will need sharing, and I will share them - here.
However, since I am going on my second year I'd also like to make my blog a bit more helpful, so I am taking my blog in a bit of a new direction. It's going to become more of a helpful hints, suggestions, restaurant/place review blog with ideas on where to eat, shop, party etc. I've been trying out so many great restaurants I only find out about because I've been doing research, and now I want to share all the vast knowledge I have gathered in a year with you.
So stay tuned for exciting posts coming soon (and the perk is they will be more frequent and much shorter, since they are just reviews, maybe with what I did there to spice it up - gotta keep some of the karamel flavor )
omg blackouts exist!!!? Im still tackling trying to get drunk.
wow cant believe its been a year. Im so happy for you, and this experience. I would love such an opportunity! i went on mysoju and prefer it way more to crunchy roll.
if u ever miss atl too much we should exchange carepackages, that will ost us a fortune to mail. miss u chica!
Bombchell, first thing I will send you is bottles of soju. After those, you will black out.
Thanks for reading my blog, you already know I love yours...
I just may take you up on your offer :)
lol let me know whenever Im game. ooooh good gosh u want me to skip drunk and get to blackout lol.
Hey there,
I really like your blog! Looks great - my old one never made it to such a nice appearance. Maybe I start a new one when Im in Malaysia.
Best wishes, Constanze
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